Thursday, July 9, 2020


I've never been able to grow corn.  Tried many times, occasionally with minor success, but I've never had more than a few ears grow to maturity.

This year, it appears my luck has turned.

I've read before (probably in some wacky Anthroposophy/biodynamic book) about how your state of mind whilst tending a garden can affect the plants either negatively or positively.  I've always taken it to mean that if I work in the garden when I'm at peace and happy then my garden should flourish.  And vice versa.

Maybe that's been my problem with corn then?  And cucumbers, for that matter.

There's magic in this world.  I believe that more and more each day.  Things that don't make logical sense and things that suddenly manifest or fall into place....I don't want to understand it.  I just want to be a part of it.  The more I recognize it the more places I see it.

Blueberries and I haven't been friends either.  Never been able to get a patch established.  Now?  I have a beautiful, mature bunch of bushes that is producing so many of my favorite berries.  So.  Many.  I like to walk out in the morning and pick just enough to mix into my breakfast yogurt.  That's pretty magical.  At least in my world.

Cucumbers?  There will soon be pickles filling up my shelves again.  Tomatoes?  More than I'll know what to do with.  Green beans?  Well, those things have never judged me and have always given me plenty but I'm forever thankful for their non-judging magic.  I suppose they've been what's kept me gardening!

I tend this new garden, tilled up for me with selfless hard work and love and promise, quietly and gratefully.  I water it (probably more than I need to!) and weed it and fertilize it (with Dave's Super Alpaca Manure--it's a proprietary blend).  And I think the crazy magic that exists in the world is so present in this place.

 I see it.

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