Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Changing sheets and other horrible chores.

 I remember when my kids were all still living at home.  I remember when they all were needing something from me on a daily basis.  Some of those needs were more complex or abstract while others were purely practical.  Diaper changes anyone?  Or maybe even help getting dressed or reminders about brushing teeth?  (Funny side note:  I'm pretty sure that if I were to stay the night at my parent's house today, my Dad would still ask me if my teeth were brushed before I went to bed! True story.)  Those were the days of unending needs.

It occurred to me the other day that I no longer had to change anyone's bedsheets, save for my own.  Seriously, this is my least favorite chore and I'm no longer responsible for another person's sheet's cleanliness or lack thereof.   

And that got me thinking about some other things I no longer need to help with.  Laundry?  Nope.  Not my problem.  Cleaning the bathroom?  Nope, that gets done too.  Mostly.  I haven't wiped a butt in years and everyone makes it to the toilet in time if they're throwing up.  I don't have to worry about the Santa or Easter Bunny facade anymore, though both still visit the house at the appropriate holiday.  I'm not completely heartless.

You know what else?  I don't even have to go to the grocery store anymore!  I've got drivers who can do that for me.  

Yep, I have arrived.  No more bed making and no more grocery shopping.  

To be honest though, there are some things I miss being needed for.  I miss reading books to snuggly littles.  I miss babies in backpacks and strollers.  I miss the smell of freshly washed toddlers when I lifted them from the tub.  I miss choosing adorable outfits.  I guess there's much I can be wistful and nostalgic for.

But life moves on.  And I don't have to drive to the gas station to fill up my car tomorrow.  Yes, I have arrived.

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