Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Writer's Block

Funny title.  Especially since my mind never, ever stops thinking and, therefore, I should have an endless list of things to write about. 

I guess I probably do have things I want to write about.  Real things.  True things.  Ouchie, painful things.  Funny things.  Sarcastic things.  

And I love to write.  A lot.  I can sit down and start typing (thank you, Mr. Halse, for teaching me this skill) and suddenly realize that 2 or 3 hours have gone by.  Writing is truly cathartic for me.  It also helps make sense of the jumbled up chaos that exists in my brain.  Once I put something down on paper, at least theoretically speaking, there is a certain clarity that follows.  As a ridiculous overthinker, this is a good thing for me.

I suppose a downside of writing is that the writer cannot always ensure that the reader understands the words that are written.  Interpretation is a tricky thing.  So is a misinterpretation.   

Often times in the editing process, I reread a sentence or a paragraph over and over, trying to be sure that what I'm saying is clear.  I want my feelings or opinion or perspective to be almost palpable to the person reading.  I want a reader to "hear" my voice in my writing.

Now here's where I'm struggling.....

Just how honest or transparent should I be when I write? 

 I censor myself.  I downplay the real feelings I feel. I include only portions of the true story (probably to protect people who don't deserve protection).  I make light of serious things.  I water it all down. Dilute it to a more palatable level.  

Hmmm.  That's not very honest.  Or real.  

Maybe it's time to get over this self-imposed writer's block and tell a few new stories.  Uncensored stories are usually pretty great to read.  I think it was Hemingway who said, "There is nothing to writing.  All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed."

Go back and look at the comments in my previous post.  

And then grab some gauze and the bandaids when you come back.

1 comment:

  1. I get it. Grace isn't easy when venom is spit at you over perspective that is not shared by you. Keep your head up and don't let the snakes win. You have more grace than I could imagine. Hugs!
