Saturday, January 16, 2021

Ramble, Ramble, Ramble. (Someone take away her computer!)

 Hey!  Let's catch up!

It's a new year.  Which I guess is kinda cool.  But, despite all the crap that 2020 brought forth, I actually kinda loved that year.  A lot.

I went back to work in November after having been off since last June.  I really love my job and I work with the greatest people so getting back into that silly office made me so happy.  And as of last week, the kiddos were finally able to come back to school too.  It's a little hard to not hug them all, Covid be damned, but I keep my (social) distance.  😏  It's funny to me how much my job makes me feel like a real person now.  Especially considering all those years of not working and doing things like churning butter and knitting sweaters instead.  We're always evolving, aren't we?

I still haven't painted any rooms in our house and we've lived here for over a year.  But I have discovered that I love midcentury furniture.  Someone (who shall remain nameless) is kind of an MCM aficionado and is always searching for the perfect dresser, chair, swag lamp, or vintage stereo equipment.  Sometimes even at 1:00AM.  Jake has the most incredible eye for design and putting a room together.  And I am not even kidding.  I have been humbled by my pedestrian taste.  (look it up, it's the correct word!)

We really had a lovely Christmas, despite all the Covid stuff.  Maybe the Covid is allergic to turkey?  I mean, it's smart enough to cause massive communicability after 10:00PM.  Isn't that why bars and restaurants have to shut down then?  Anyway.....

Christmas was great.  I love my people and was surrounded by peace and love and an awful lot of happy.  I think it was the first time since I was a little girl that I actually looked forward to the holidays.  Feeling happy is still such a strange thing for me.  But I'm getting accustomed to it.

Gosh, there was that nasty storm one night last week and I actually got into bed and hid under the covers.  Jake laughed at me and couldn't figure out why I was being such a pansy, especially since the wind blew at my old house all the time.  I'm not really sure why it scared me either.  I lived by myself for years and wasn't ever particularly afraid.  At least not very often.  Maybe I'm getting soft in my old age?  Maybe.  But, Jake got into bed and held my hand until I fell asleep, and I made it through the night with little trouble.  He is the best.

Aren't we supposed to choose a word that expresses our intention for each new year?  I've done that before and the past words have been evocative of quiet or stillness.   I guess I craved tranquility back then.  I"m not exactly sure what my word should be for this new year.  Maybe truth?  Truth can mean a lot, not just as in telling the truth, though that is definitely something to aspire to. Living one's truth is definitely a positive and constructive goal as well.   Truthfulness, whichever direction you take it, is oftentimes painful and uncomfortable.  But it's real.  So maybe my word should be real?  What are some synonyms for real?  Genuine.  Authentic.  Bonafide.  Oh, man.  That definitely sounds like it could be my word!  I can't think of anything I'd rather be than authentic.  There are honesty and truth in being authentic.  And there's also reality.  So I guess it all goes together; one pretty package all tied up with a bow.   Authentic it is then.

Whew.  Glad we got that out of the way.  

So here's to a new year!  One that continues to be full of love and learning and humbleness and authenticity and truth.  Release the old and stagnant and embrace the fresh and new.  Love to you all!


  1. Odd the date you choose to write without one mention of Bill. I pray the kids havent forgot about their Dad!

    1. Bill died on the 19th. And my comments about him are private. Your constant and insistent remarks about both myself and my kids are unwarranted. I owe you absolutely no explanations and because you are not involved in our lives, it's note possible for you to make any assumptions about any part of my life. Shame on you for your cruel judgements that lack any substance. I just wish you'd either sit down and talk to me or keep your thoughts to yourself. You certainly aren't "teaching" me any lessons by criticizing things that you no nothing about.

    2. Anybody that knew Billy and knows my sister and brother in law knows the truth!

    3. Seriously, please just leave me alone. What is the truth that you talk of that needs to be known? I've spoken nothing about anyone other than the people who are in my life. That's about as truthful as I can be. Again, if you want to talk to me then please call me or something. But please stop leaving such ugly comments on my blog. These are MY words, thoughts, feelings, and opinions. If you find it offensive then don't read it.

  2. What an insensitive ass.. pick up the phone. Don't be a passive aggressive coward. I don't know who you are, but leaving comments is pretty cowardly and they've been all over so clearly you have something unresolved here. Man, or woman up (can't determine gender by 'park ranger' or back off my sister. You think EVERYONE who loved Bill hasn't suffered? Not a day goes by that he isn't missed. All you have to do is look at his children to see his legacy. But it seems many of you have forgotten those children. Perhaps it's tok 'difficult for you to deal with their mother. Too bad. Suck it up. Those kids are growing up not knowing one entire side of the family because you don't want to deal with their mom. Its a damned shame. They are good kids. Excellent kids. Either pick up the phone and resolve whatever this issue is, or back off.

  3. Well I happen to be Christine's sister Martha. From day one your sister has done nothing but bad mouth them. I won't air all the crap that has been said about them. I considered Julie a niece. But when disrespects my sister and brother in law I cant smile and except it. Her constant little innuendos directed toward them is sad. I m glad she found a man that makes her happy! I went thru the lose of a husband but I never ever disrespected his family.

  4. You don't want to talk to me, but continue to respond on here? Ok then. What I have said to anyone who has asked has been the truth. Would you like to see the letter from the lawyer that attempted to evict the kids and I from our home? Or maybe the texts about how horrible of a mother I was? Would you like a transcript from the conversations regarding how my reputation will not "weather this storm but theirs will?" How about the tens of thousands of dollars that I walked away from invested in my home that I wasn't even given an option to recoup? Or the monies that rightfully should have gone to Jack after the loss of his home? But most importantly, let's do talk about the complete abandonment of 4 children. Complete. Yes, I have very little good to say, but justifiably so. There is no excuse for that. None. Don't even try. Keep blaming everything on me, but at some point, I'd love to hear what my kids, Bill's kids, did to deserve any of this. Tell me what they've done? And then tell me exactly what I've done wrong and how I should've done things differently. I'm curious.

  5. poor Julie... you didnt have insurance neither did Jack. That was not their responsibility to cover. We lost all our possessions in the fire, I don't expect a dime from them. They havent received any money for the lose so why should they pay you, Jack or us for not having renters insurance? As far as eviction was because of your lack of respect for the memory of Billy, Barb and Bill. YOU and your actions brought that on! YOU are the one that bad mouthed your in laws and turned their grandkids against them. You are the one that could have made a deference. You could have been a daughter in law that understood not only did my sister lose her son but has been holding it together for over 5yrs while Bill fights for his life. You Julie have no compassion, or heart for anyone but you! We all have faults, we've all made mistakes but to continue to post and blame people the way you have is cruel. And the community that knows my family and you..knows the truth and in the end YOU will live with your lies. Shame on you for dragging your kids into your ridiculous emotional instability.
    Sadly the Julie that was my niece, my nephews wife died when he did. I dont even know who the real Julie is any more. Differently not the woman that was raising her kids in a loving Christian home that taught forgiveness and strength to overlook others short comings.
    You have succeeded in alienating your kids from Billys family in lieu of your new family. It's sad their missing out on a hell of a legacy. When's the last time you or the kids called or said hi to Bill's grandparents? Ya they are 95 and 90 not a word since Bill passed. That is on YOU.

  6. Please, I’ll ask again, talk to me on the phone or in person, but please stop commenting here.

  7. Please, I’ll ask again, talk to me on the phone or in person, but please stop commenting here.
