Saturday, April 21, 2018

I knew this lady......

I met this lady a few years ago.  I believe the first words we said to each other were spoken over the quartered carcass of an elk in the back of a pickup.  But the words she spoke to me were words that instantly drew me to her.  I don't recall the exact exchange but it was something similar to, "You've got some good boys right here!  I can see what kind of kids they are."  Nothing overly gushy or fawning, just honest and simple words.

And that's how that lady was.

I admit that I know not much about this lady's early years.  She didn't spend much time talking about herself.  But when I would ask her a question she would certainly give me an answer that was complete and usually peppered with humor.  I like to get an idea of how people grew up and how they choose to live and make decisions in order to best understand the person they are now.  I've been told I ask too many questions but my intent is only to discern an individual to help relate with them at a deeper level.  In my mind that always seems like a good idea.  I think maybe part of the reason she didn't divulge much without being prodded was because she was more interested in other people's stories.  I think that she, too, wanted to quietly understand the depth of those around her.

This lady took on a relationship with my little family with absolutely no judgment or expectations.  She included us, stinky-sock boys and all, in her life.  She offered words of support and love to me when needed.  She surprised me with little gifts on occasion.  Never a loud or flashy presence.  Just a quiet entrance into the room, with a smile on her face and a gentle hug, and a genuine interest for what was happening in my life.  At a time in my life when there was more turmoil and heartache than I was prepared for this lady took on the role of supporter, encourager, pseudo-grandmother, and dear friend.

This lady exhibited a soft fierceness of dedication to her family.  I do believe her greatest joy was watching her kids and her grand kids living their lives.  Her pride in them all was obvious by the smile on her face when she would talk about them.  No matter what, this lady was going to be on their side!  Never did I hear a negative word about anyone.  I suppose she just concentrated on the good stuff and chose to ignore the other.

So I think the lessons I will take away from this lady are pretty simple.  Be present.  Be kind.  Be thoughtful.  Don't be flamboyant or arrogant.  Be accepting and don't judge.  Love your family and friends tirelessly.  Live quietly and work hard.

Yeah, I knew this lady.  And she was great.  And I'm going to miss her.

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