Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Public Service Announcement

So I feel like I need to make a public announcement regarding myself.  It has been brought to my attention (over and over ad nauseam) that there has been speculation about 1) my sanity,  2) my lifestyle,  3) what/who I'm talking about,  4) who I'm spending time with,  5) my devious plans to reek havoc amongst the living.

Now excuse me whilst I fall over, clutching my stomach and laughing hysterically.

I will not offer explanations (or excuses, so I'm told) about anything.  I don't have to and here's why:

My world is small.  I basically just get up, go to work, take care of my family, occasionally spend some time with a few (very few) well-chosen and well-trusted friends, and generally keep to myself.  I prioritize my children above all else and that easy choice leaves precious little time for anything more.  Certainly not ample enough time to plot and deceive or live in debauchery.

I'll say it again:  my world is small.

I don't trust very many people these days.   I divulge very little to anyone because I don't have much confidence in any one's ability to hold my information without speculating and using their own perceptions to make unjust conclusions.  Best to keep quiet and smile I'm finding.  Hell, it seems that I can't even go to the grocery store anymore without some sort of unwanted fallout.  Ridiculousness.

Rest assured, dear reader, that any words that come out of my mouth are probably something similar to, "Did you put away your laundry yet?" or "Would you please quit making slime."  It is highly doubtful that I am speaking with malicious intentions about anyone or anything else.  Except my car--I  freaking hate my car and will talk smack about that POS any chance I get.  The older I get the more I surmise that you should only believe half of what you see and nothing of what you hear.

My inappreciable free time is not spent with corrupt, depraved people or wicked pastimes.  High school sporting events can be sketchy places, as can 4-H meetings.  I know.  But we try to keep the immorality to a minimum at these places.  Kids being present and all.  *insert eye roll here *  I do imbibe regularly and there are, gasp, beer bottles or cans and a few bottles of whisky in my home but the last time I looked at my driver's license I was well over the age of 21 so I think this is not a problem.  And the unscrupulous act of knitting, well, I just will have to accept that it will never be a decent activity for some people.  And don't even get me started on my dubious yard work habits or my contentious running practice.

My sanity is the same as it always has been.  Moderately questionable but definitely intact.  What I want to know is how come people say you're crazy simply because you do something differently than them?  Or you make a choice that is not the same as what they'd make?  I just call that different not crazy. I mean if you don't like donuts (you're stupid) and I love them does that make you insane?  If you think football is torturous to watch but I spend my Sundays in front of the TV binging on the grid iron should one of us be considered deranged?   You say tomatoe, I say tomato.

Yeah, so that's my announcement.  If you are not a part of my world that's OK.  I still hope for peace and happiness for you.  All I ask is that I am allowed to be left alone by those who choose not to be a part of my sphere.  Please let me have some quiet and stillness.

cause mental pain or distress to (a person or their feelings).
"she didn't want to hurt his feelings"

cut to the quick
"his words hurt her"

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