Sunday, January 29, 2017

No Adulting Today, Please.

I'm done being an adult and doing adult things.

Really, I would love a day where I did not have to do anything adult-like.  No cooking or cleaning or working or anything where I was responsible for another living thing.  A day where someone else had to take care of me.

And then I realize who I am.

Just for the day I don't want to worry about a failed furnace.  I don't want to shop for a new wood stove or place an ad on Craigslist to sell the old one.  I don't want to talk to repair people or salespeople or Craigslist people.

I don't want to be the only person in my house to remember that the toilet paper is almost gone or that there is no more bread.  I want someone else to worry that it's 6:00PM and no one has eaten dinner.

Just for the day I don't want to sweep the floor after someone tracks mud in, wipe the toilet seat because some one's aim was off, or pick up a pair of boots that are blocking the door for the 100th time.

I want to wake up to a warm house, one where there's already a fire burning.  And a wood box full of dry wood that I did not have to split and haul by myself.  And a cup of coffee would be nice too.

For just one day I don't want to worry about things like braces and baseball cleats and retirement accounts.  I don't want to think about leaking roofs or incompetent math teachers.

I don't want to spend my day driving people around.  Or trying to remember when and where everyone is supposed to be.

My mind needs a break from identifying "teachable moments" for my kids and being the only person to implement appropriate discipline for their crap behavior.  I'm tired of worrying about not having control of my family or life (I'm not entirely sure that's true but someone said that to me and now I'm paranoid other people think that as well).

I want a day where someone else pays the bills and worries about money and the future.

I know that I'm an adult and that I really cannot pretend otherwise.  I know that responsibilities are just a part of life and they are completely unavoidable.  Yeah, yeah, yeah.  I got it.  But being an adult is so much more fun when you're adulting with another adult!  It's nice to have someone to complain to.  It's nice to have another person to share these responsibilities with.  It's nice to know someone else is worrying about the same things that you are.  And it's just nice to know you're not alone in this life.

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