Tuesday, September 20, 2016

So I'm Going to Rant For a Minute.

I've lived a quiet life.  At least up until the last few years.  It was quiet, simple, and probably a little boring to an outsider.  So boring, in fact, that no one would ever want to waste their time discussing any part of it.  Hell, there probably wasn't anything even worth talking about.

And now, now everyone has something to say about me and my life.

So here comes the rant.....

How did I end up back in 7th grade again?!  That was 30 years ago and lately I feel like I've been dropped back into the cafeteria at SMS.  Now I just have better clothes, gray hairs, and I can't get in trouble for swearing at someone.  But seriously, where does all this preteen drama come from at my age?

"Who's talking about who?"  "She said what?"  "I saw them walking together!"  "Do you know what I heard?"  Blah, blah, blah.  (Make sure you're reading this in a dramatic 13 year old girl voice, OK?  That really gets the point across.)  And so many of these stories come from people who are unknown to me.  Really.  If you're not one of the three people I talk to on a regular basis, it's safe to assume no juicy information is coming from my mouth.  I WISH my life was so exciting and scandalous.

It's also safe to assume that unless the subject matter is:
1.  my declining eyesight
2.  why am I so tired?
3.  do you have homework tonight?
4.  why is there so much laundry again?
5.  get me the fu*&ing vacuum.
6.  crock pot recipes
7.  where am I working tomorrow?
8.  who's turn is it to do the dishes?
9.  why AM I so tired?
10.  what are your plans tonight?

then I'm probably not too interested in whatever it is I'm allegedly discussing with others.  Make sense?

Here's the thing to remember.  I am busy.  Really busy.  I work two jobs, have 4 kids with lots of activities they're involved in, a household to run, animals to take care of, stuff to do.  All.  Of.  The.  Time.  By myself.  There is not enough time in my day to compete in the gossip Olympics of the greater Mill City/Gates area.  And really, who would want to?!

Come talk to me if you want my chocolate chip cookie recipe.  Or if you want to talk about knitting or quilting or canning.  Or bees or gardens. Or tell me about your family or your dreams or your fears.  Let's discuss world events or what we ate for dinner.  Tell me every funny story you can remember.  Let's play cribbage and have a drink.  Let's laugh until beer comes out our noses or cry until all the tears have fallen. Let's just be kind and supportive.  Most of all let's just have fun.

Just don't misrepresent me or the words that come out of my mouth.

My world is small and I like it that way right now.  What words I do speak are spoken quietly and you have to really listen to understand their meaning.  

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