Friday, September 23, 2022

It's That Time of Year Again.

 The birthday is coming up swiftly again.  Yeeks.

I like to get all introspective around my birthday.  I think it's to be certain that I'm not stagnating and am still learning stuff despite the whole getting older thing.  You're never too old to learn something new or change a previous mindset.  

What have I learned this year?  Oh my.  That list could be long.  Hey, maybe what I should do is make a list of 51 things I have learned this year.  Well, maybe not things I've learned from only this year but maybe 51 things I've learned in my 51 years.  Hmmmm.  Might take a few episodes.

1.  My mind is a whirling dervish of *oftentimes* untrue thoughts. Seriously, my mind can make up all kinds of crazy stuff.  I am learning to tell that absurdly implausible bitch to pipe down!

2.  There is a fine line between selfishness and self-awareness.  One is appalling and one is rather admirable.  I am always trying to ensure that I'm walking on the correct side of that line.

3.  Too much cardio just hurts my knees.

4.  My value is not tied up in what I can accomplish or how much I can juggle.  (See #2)

5.  I can be peculiar and say peculiar things and think peculiar thoughts and still be just fine.  As long as I understand what I'm doing, well, I think I'm good.

6.  Trust is more valued than kindness sometimes.  Kindness can be a sham but trust, honest to goodness trust, is real.

7.  I'm sorry but I just have to say it:  fake eyelashes scare me to death.

8.  I will always, always plant too many green beans.

9.  Instacart.  My savior.  Seriously, you've got to try Instacart.  The amount of time and money (no more impulse buys!) it saves me far outweighs the cost of the service fees, tips, and delivery fees.

10.  There is very little in life that a good night's sleep can't fix.  Might just be my perspective that gets fixed but that alone is often enough.

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