Saturday, January 16, 2021

Ramble, Ramble, Ramble. (Someone take away her computer!)

 Hey!  Let's catch up!

It's a new year.  Which I guess is kinda cool.  But, despite all the crap that 2020 brought forth, I actually kinda loved that year.  A lot.

I went back to work in November after having been off since last June.  I really love my job and I work with the greatest people so getting back into that silly office made me so happy.  And as of last week, the kiddos were finally able to come back to school too.  It's a little hard to not hug them all, Covid be damned, but I keep my (social) distance.  😏  It's funny to me how much my job makes me feel like a real person now.  Especially considering all those years of not working and doing things like churning butter and knitting sweaters instead.  We're always evolving, aren't we?

I still haven't painted any rooms in our house and we've lived here for over a year.  But I have discovered that I love midcentury furniture.  Someone (who shall remain nameless) is kind of an MCM aficionado and is always searching for the perfect dresser, chair, swag lamp, or vintage stereo equipment.  Sometimes even at 1:00AM.  Jake has the most incredible eye for design and putting a room together.  And I am not even kidding.  I have been humbled by my pedestrian taste.  (look it up, it's the correct word!)

We really had a lovely Christmas, despite all the Covid stuff.  Maybe the Covid is allergic to turkey?  I mean, it's smart enough to cause massive communicability after 10:00PM.  Isn't that why bars and restaurants have to shut down then?  Anyway.....

Christmas was great.  I love my people and was surrounded by peace and love and an awful lot of happy.  I think it was the first time since I was a little girl that I actually looked forward to the holidays.  Feeling happy is still such a strange thing for me.  But I'm getting accustomed to it.

Gosh, there was that nasty storm one night last week and I actually got into bed and hid under the covers.  Jake laughed at me and couldn't figure out why I was being such a pansy, especially since the wind blew at my old house all the time.  I'm not really sure why it scared me either.  I lived by myself for years and wasn't ever particularly afraid.  At least not very often.  Maybe I'm getting soft in my old age?  Maybe.  But, Jake got into bed and held my hand until I fell asleep, and I made it through the night with little trouble.  He is the best.

Aren't we supposed to choose a word that expresses our intention for each new year?  I've done that before and the past words have been evocative of quiet or stillness.   I guess I craved tranquility back then.  I"m not exactly sure what my word should be for this new year.  Maybe truth?  Truth can mean a lot, not just as in telling the truth, though that is definitely something to aspire to. Living one's truth is definitely a positive and constructive goal as well.   Truthfulness, whichever direction you take it, is oftentimes painful and uncomfortable.  But it's real.  So maybe my word should be real?  What are some synonyms for real?  Genuine.  Authentic.  Bonafide.  Oh, man.  That definitely sounds like it could be my word!  I can't think of anything I'd rather be than authentic.  There are honesty and truth in being authentic.  And there's also reality.  So I guess it all goes together; one pretty package all tied up with a bow.   Authentic it is then.

Whew.  Glad we got that out of the way.  

So here's to a new year!  One that continues to be full of love and learning and humbleness and authenticity and truth.  Release the old and stagnant and embrace the fresh and new.  Love to you all!