Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Lessons, Episode #3

1.  You are never, ever too old to learn something new.  Or relearn something old.  Or change directions.  Or start over.  Or respond differently.

2.  Some people will never enjoy drinking wine.  I used to think that I would develop a taste for wine as I got older but that theory has failed me miserably.  Same thing with acorn squash:  I just can't do it.

3.  Flexibility is the key to staying sane.  And I mean more than just the ability to touch your toes.

4.  The universe has a funny way of surprising you.  Be open to all of it.
5.  Nothing in life, and I do mean absolutely nothing, is linear.  At least not for very long.

6.  A night's sleep (not necessarily a good night either) is the best way to gain clarity.

7.  Don't live a sloppy life.  Live with intention and thoughtfulness.  Apply that idea to your words, your activities, and all the choices you might encounter.

8.  Remember that your perspective isn't always correct.

9.  Realize that life won't always be kind to you and you won't always be happy and fulfilled.  Do the next thing anyway and try not to think too much.

10.  Don't.  Think.  So.  Much.
       *just live*

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