Friday, July 26, 2019


There's this game we used to play in Girl Scouts when I was, well, a girl.  It was called Telephone.  Everyone sat in a circle and one person started the game by whispering a short sentence to the person sitting beside them.  Then that person whispered what they had heard to the person sitting next to them.  And around and around the circle went the whispered sentence until the very last person was expected to repeat, out loud, what had been whispered in their ear.  Usually, the end result was so far from the original words that everyone had a good laugh at how the sentence had completely morphed into something new and entirely different.

It was a fun game.

I think we still play this game as adults.  But now the end results are not nearly as funny, probably due to the fact that it's not a game anymore.  Seems like we just repeat things without actually hearing what's being said.

So much of the time we tend to interject our own take on a story, despite not knowing the real truth.  We might also put a little personal spin on the details, because let's face it, sometimes it's a better story with a little extra embellishment.  Am I right?  Other times we like to contribute our own opinion on what's been said because our opinions are important.  At least we like to think so.

Yeah, I think we definitely still play this game.  Just seems like no one's laughing at the end now.

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