Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Dylan McKay (and other related things)

I was talking with some friends the other day about what we had been watching on TV.  One friend (who's name rhymes with "Glayna" but I won't tell you her actual name because I want to protect her identity) said that she had been time traveling back to the 90's and visiting that favorite zip code, 90210.  Oh yes, you can now watch reruns of "Beverly Hills, 90210" on Amazon.

I am all over that.

Now a little known fact is that 90210 was Bill's favorite show.  At least at that time in his life .  Every Monday at 8:00 PM he could be found waiting breathlessly in front of the television, ready to join his dearest friends, Brandon, Brenda, Dylan, and all the rest of those spoiled, rich kids and all of their teen aged drama.  Except Aundrea, because she had to falsify her address in order to attend West Beverly High.  She was the token poor kid.  But I digress.  Bill especially liked Dylan.  He might have actually loved Dylan but I'm not totally sure.  It was a very sad day for Bill when Dylan's character left the show.  And don't even get me started on the highly anticipated return of Dylan at the end of the show's run.  Gosh.  The excitement.


So I started watching the series again.  From the beginning.  In order.

It's awesome.  The clothes are all coming back in style!  The hair!  There are fanny packs and scrunchies!  The spandex under the jean shorts!  The high-waisted jeans with crop tops!  Oh gosh.  Even the lipstick colors are popular again.  And I'm pretty sure that I heard Donna say, "Dope!" when referring to her first impression of Brandon Walsh.  I'm not lying.

As I was watching the pilot episode I kept thinking, "Man, I gotta call Bill and see if he remembers this part."  Or, "I have to remind Bill about Betty the Surfer Girl." and "Oh man, I wonder if he remembers Dylan's hotel suite scam and how Brandon was such a goody-goody dick about it."  Over and over I had these damn thoughts.

Hmmm.  That's not going to happen now.

I guess I'll just keep watching and remembering.  I'm sure there will be an episode that sparks a memory about what I was doing when it originally aired.  Like I was probably wearing my black lace bodysuit, tucked into my button fly Levis, with my black Dr. Martens (no socks), and watching with a bunch of baseball boys while sitting on sofas of questionable origins.  In a sketchy apartment, no doubt.  (On a side note:  those baseball boys did love them some 90210 and Melrose Place!)  I'll remember going to the bar afterward and drinking pitchers of PBR (using my tip money and thinking I was way cool) and playing pool.  Mostly I just watched the pool playing and ran the jukebox.  We always played the same songs.  Might've played a few rounds of VP (video poker to you novices) too.

I will remember it all.  But I'll be sad that those memories won't have anyone besides me to appreciate them.

And I will be thankful that I already know the outcome of the whole Dylan/Brenda saga.

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