Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Night Light.

When I was a little girl I made it a regular habit to get out of bed at night.  I don't remember if I was actually scared of the dark, which is likely, or if I just had to pee, which is also likely.  Either way, I would get out of my bed and go searching for the light.  That part I remember.  I would gather my blanket and a pillow and creep out of my bedroom into the hallway.  There was always a small ray of light that came in through my bedroom window from the streetlight outside and settled on the floor in the hall.  I think the patch of light was probably about a foot wide.  It was in that little area of illumination that I would spread out my blanket and lay down, my face always turned toward the light.  Only in the light could I fall back asleep.

I revisited this memory (or maybe the memory revisited me?) tonight when I got into bed.  There was the nearly-full moon, shinning in my window, lighting up a small space on my pillow.  Instinctively I turned my face to the brightness and felt the familiar comfort I had felt as a little girl.  Almost like deja vu.

Funny how something as small as this can bring such peace.

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