Saturday, March 25, 2017

A List

I haven't done a list in a while.  Lists are kinda fun.  Here's a list of some interesting things I've learned or observed in the past while:

1.  Pigs really do fly.

2.  Audible books make car drives or housecleaning just fly by.  They do not, however, speed up treadmill time.  I think that treadmill time is lost time, like when you get abducted by bigfoot or aliens.

3.  Broken bones are a nuisance but definitely NOT a reason to stop doing things.  Like driving.  Or traveling.  Or working.

4.  Despite the feeling that this season will never end (both figuratively and really) the next season will always come.  But it cannot be rushed.

5.  Boundaries keep good things safe and bad things out.  Always set boundaries. With people, with gardens, at movie theaters.

6.  People who post too much stuff on social media are a) insecure as hell and looking for validation, b) playing a make believe game of grownup, c) searching for attention.  I suspect if you were really as happy as you'd like us to believe you wouldn't be posting every annoying detail of your life.

7.  There are many, many children who are masquerading as adults.

8.  Trying to recreate a lost or ruined opportunity is like trying to unbake bread.  It cannot be done.  You'll just end up with a soggy, inedible mess.  Move forward to the next good thing.  It might be a different thing but it might also be a better thing.

9.  Time is the great equalizer.  It cannot be fooled.

10.  If it looks like sh*t and smells like shi*t it's definitely still shi*t.  Try to dress it up and cover it up anyway you like but no one will really be fooled.

11.  People lie.  A lot.  People are also mean.  A lot.

12.  People are self-centered and will throw you under the bus without so much as a backwards glance.  They will use you and pretend you do not exist.  Learn from this and do not treat others the same way.

13.  Words are not always true, actions are often temporary, but patterns cannot be denied.  Think about that one for a while.

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