Monday, June 27, 2016

A New Space.

A deep breath......

I believe it was time to make a change.  As much as I love my old blog and will forever cherish the memories and ideas and images I captured within its space, I think that particular platform is no longer in step with my life.  Unfortunately.  Unfairly?  Realistically.

Can't keep trying to fit the round peg into the square hole, right?

So I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to share here now.  I'm a pretty transparent person--never been good at hiding anything--so I guess what I write about will just be what's going on in my head, my life, or my imagination.  Funny because sometimes they're all the same!  Maybe it will be more like a journal that I'm writing things down in with the hope of gaining some clarity into the frightening mess that is my over thinking mind.  Will I find patterns or hidden agendas or unresolved issues?  Who the hell knows?!

This is a space, my space, to share.  Like it or don't.  Be inspired or not.  Think I'm an idiot or that I'm brilliant.  Decide to learn to knit or not.  Feel like growing beets or spray Roundup on your grass (don't really do that).  Go for a run or decide to sit in front of your computer all day.  That's all up to you.  But this is my space.  I'll do what I want here.

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