Saturday, September 2, 2023


 Today would be Bill's 50th birthday.  

I'm spending the day doing the kind of stuff I have pretty much always done on or around September 2nd;  canning applesauce, digging potatoes, making chocolate cake, reading a book.  Thinking about what to make for dinner.  Maybe going for a little adventure to find a new coffee shop. (Because birthdays are made for adventures and coffee!) 

Bill didn't like to make a fuss about his birthday.  Usually just cake and milk and maybe dinner out.  Oh, and Carmelizers.  *insert eye roll here

Simple stuff.  


Sometimes I think I might have forgotten what simple is and how to do it.

I think simple is making the conscious choice to tune out the noisiness that is ever-present in our life and just be.  Like just accepting where we might be, allowing things to just be how they are.  Not adding or subtracting.  Not trying to control or influence anything.  

Just being.  

This is one of Bill's favorite quotes.  I like it.