Saturday, January 21, 2023

The Good, and Especially the Bad.

 It's easy to be happy and love life when things are good.  Everyone is healthy.  There is nothing lacking or missing.  There are no impending disasters.  Drama is kept at bay.  Life is full of fun and excitement.

Status Quo.

But that sort of existence can be the norm for only so long.

So what happens when a catastrophe, big or small, smacks you right in the face?  Can you still be happy?  Can you still keep going?

Freaking heck yeah you can!  

In fact, adversity is the very thing that strengthens our own self as well as our relationships with other people.  Shared hardships forge layers of depth in any relationship and that depth is what creates strength.  Think of a tree with deep roots.  That tree, with those deep roots, will remain standing despite wind and snow, and drought.  Withstand.  Overcome.  Remain.    

Now I'm not saying that we must suffer, often and intensely, as the only way to grow deeper.  That sounds like a terrible way to live!   What I mean is that we need to keep those adversities in perspective and allow them to expand us.  And then dig deep and stay the course.  

And in between the rough days?  That's when you appreciate and delight in the good.  That's when you are able to be grateful and draw from that well-created depth and revel in the profound happiness that is yours. Shared good things also grow us and create depth.

The contentedness of simple things will feel so good.   

Like Melville says in Moby Dick, you cannot fully appreciate anything without a contrasting feeling to compare it to.  You cannot appreciate good without accepting and embracing bad.  

I guess I'm old enough to have learned and understand this principle.  At least I try to most days!  I will take the bad, and I will let it add another layer of depth and wisdom to me, and then I will love the good with a freeness that makes it all worthwhile.

Be like a tree.  Sorta.