Monday, December 27, 2021


Many, many years ago I read somewhere that you should choose a word that will be the focus of the new year.  Not exactly a new year's resolution but kinda along the same line.  I try to choose a word each year.  Sometimes it's easy to find the word.  Sometimes it's a lame word, hardly inspiring enough to share.  Sometimes the word I've chosen loses its significance within a few months into the year.  But I usually put some thought into my word and start the new year with that as my focus.

I think my word this year will be presence.

I found this quote by Eckhart Tolle today and it resonated with me.  A lot.  All too often I am too much in my head and thinking about the befores and afters in life.  I end up missing the now stuff.  And now stuff shouldn't be cast aside or ignored.  

Oh, I'll still think about yesterday and tomorrow.  I'll remember something funny that one of the kids said many years ago or a nice time I had with friends several years ago.  I might even think about a lesson I learned from a past experience.  I will think about making sure the coffee pot is ready for tomorrow or that my to-do list is written down.  But right now, at this moment, I will sit in bed watching the snow outside the bedroom window, listening to Jon's TV and Sarah's phone conversation, knowing that Jake is downstairs playing his game, and focus on being right here.  Present.